New pop-up, confirm your e-mail, and add code Number. Press confirm Button
Annother pop-up, here just press the Button, it is better to change your password later, i'll show you a bit further
Final confirmation via e-mail from Payeer, safe your Masterkey and erase the e-mail
Here you can manage all settings
prepare your ID, passport, write down your Accountnumber, hold it left and rigth hand and let somebody else do the picture or use camera on your pc
It is also important that the account holder at the PAYEER eWallet is same as on your Visacard.
To add some funds click on ADD in Navigation on the left side, enter Amount and choose currency, cklick the green Button...
you can choose now your payment option...
Click on Transfer, if you like to paid or send some Money or Bitcoin to anybody,
Now it's time to wait until the money is posted on your eWallet. Have fun with PAYEER :)